Phosphobacteria, it is a bio fertilizer, Phosphorus is a major plant nutrient that induces vigorous growth and also contributes to the resistance of their disease. Phosphorous helps to build root and grow plants.
The plants use only 10–15% of the supplied phosphate. The 85-90% proportion remains insoluble in the soil. Bio promoters have highly efficient phosphate solubilising bacteria (Bacillus megaterium var. phosphoticum) which grow and secrete organic acids that dissolve this unavailable phosphate into a soluble form and make it available to plants. Therefore, it is possible to use the residual phosphate fertilizers in the soil well and improve existing use.
Phosphobacteria means bacterial inoculants that can solubilise the essence of phosphate. Bacillus megaterium is widely used as Phosphobacteria. For all plants, Phosphobacteria is necessary. Approximately 95-99 percent of the total soil phosphorus is insoluble and is not available directly to plants. It multiplies easily in the root zone. By typically producing organic acids, P-solubilises containing bacteria or fungi may convert isolable phosphate form to soluble form. Approximately 15-25% of insoluble phosphate can be solubilised, saving substantially chemical fertilizers. Phosphobacteria can solubilise and make available to plants about 30 kg of insoluble source of phosphorus. The use of Phosphobacteria together with nitrogen-fixing bacteria promotes growth and crop yield by 30%.
1. Bio promoter promotes the development of root and growth of plants.
2. With subsequent uses, it improves soil quality.
3. It should not be combined with inorganic fertilizers or antibacterial agents.
4. The active strain used by Phosphate Solubilised Bacteria increases the level of available P2O5 in the soil by increasing the level of available P2O5 and may increase overall plant growth.
5. They also exhibit anti-fungal activity in certain conditions, thus allowing indirect control of fungal diseases.
6. With the use of this crop, about 10 to 15 percent increase in crop yield can be achieved.
7. Promotes the growth of stem, flower, and fruit, and allows for early maturity.
On application to the soil, Phosphobacteria are activated and multiplied by using the soil's carbon source or root exudates and secrete organic acids and enzymes in this process.
Phosphobacteria generates organic acids like Indole Aceric Acid. Gluconic acid and enzymes contribute to the exchange value of fixed phosphorus.
Such organic acids chelate the cations (mainly calcium) bound to phosphate by their hydroxyl and carboxyl groups, converting them into soluble forms.
There is an inverse relationship between pH and soluble-phosphorus concentration indicating that the production of organic acid by Phosphobacteria plays a significant role in soil acidification facilitating phosphorus solubilisation and facilitating plant assimilation.
Mix 10 ml together with about 10 g Phosteria. Raw sugar in enough water to make a slurry and coat 1 Kg of seeds, dry in the shade and sow / spread / dibble in the field.
To form slurry, blend 50 ml of Phosteria with enough water and organic manure. The seedlings are dipped 30 minutes before planting in this slurry in order to bind the bacteria to the roots.
Combine 1-2 liters per acre of Phosteria with compost and add to one acre of soil.
In a drip tube, blend 1L/3L of Phosteria.
Phosphorus mobilization
Phosteria is suitable for use in cereals, millets, pulses, fats, fiber crops, sugar crops, plant crops, berries, fruits, spices, herbs, medicinal plants, orchards and ornamentals.
Phosteria is Bio Pesticides and other Bio-Fertilizers compatible.
Phosteria is stable from the date of manufacture for a period of 2 years.