Our Product

Our Process and Gallery

We deal with the manufacture and supply of
100% Agro Organic products like.

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Cow dung manure

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Coconut Palm Trees

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Cow dung manure

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Organic Compost

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables


Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Date Palm Trees

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Royal Palm Trees

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Other Plants

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Coirpith Powder

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Cocopeat Blocks

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Neem Fruit

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Neem Cake

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Neem Oil

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Coconut Palm Trees

Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables


Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables


Organic fertilizer for plants and vegetables

Cocopeat Blocks
